Breadcrumb Home Resource Hub Wellbeing, Capacity and Capability Re... Copy URL Wellbeing, capacity and capability resources Take a look at more resources that can support you with wellbeing, capability and capacity. Copy URL Wellbeing, capacity and capability resources Take a look at more resources that can support you with wellbeing, capability and capacity. WellbeingMind Wellness Action PlansFree guides and action plans from Mind, designed as a helpful starting point to support you and/or your team’s wellbeing at work. (Must register to download the free guide).Mental Health First Aid England (MHFA)MHFA offer expert guidance and training to support mental health in the workplace and beyond.National Institute for health and Care Excellence (NICE)NICE's formal guidance on promoting mental wellbeing through productive and healthy working conditions.What Works WellbeingWhat Works Wellbeing guidance to help you plan, and carry out, evidence-informed programmes and activities to improve wellbeing in the workplace. Image Credit: Concerteenies Capacity and capabilityYouth Music – How to drive internal change to make your music business more inclusiveIdeas to help businesses drive change within their own organisation. This covers topics such as EDI, neurodiversity in the workplace, and building a diverse workforce.Youth Music Safeguarding HubFind out more about safeguarding, guidelines, grantholder requirements and links to other useful resources.Arts Council England – Recruitment and Workforce Development ToolkitThe toolkit provides best practice downloadable resources, templates and guidance, covering four areas; Boards and leadership, Recruitment attracting, Recruitment, selecting and Retention workplace practices.Arts Council England – Digital culture networkThe Digital Culture Network provides free and practical support to the arts and culture sector. It helps you to explore and harness the benefits of technology to achieve your goals, find new ways to reach and engage audiences, develop sustainable business models, and maximise income opportunities.Arts Council England – Making Digital WorkMaking Digital Work is an easy-to-use toolkit for arts and culture organisations who wish to develop digital products and services. The toolkit takes you through the why, who, what and how of digital product development.Charity Digital CodeThe Charity Digital Code of Practice is for professionals looking to get more strategic with digital. The Code can help you figure out the key actions that your charity needs to take to stay relevant and increase your impact, efficiency and sustainability. Chartered Institute of Personnel and DevelopmentVarious resources to develop strategic HR and L&D for your organisation. Topics include: the HR role, resourcing and talent planning, reward strategy, leadership, HR analytics, L&D strategy, organisational development, change management, governance, corporate responsibility, and volunteering.Julie’s Bicycle Creative Green ToolsTake the first step and measure your impacts with the CG Tools, developed by Julie’s Bicycle for the arts and culture industries.Website CarbonUse this tool to calculate the carbon footprint of your website and find out of ways it can become more sustainable.Charity Governance CodeA practical tool to help charities and their trustees develop high standards of governance.NCVO – KnowhowThis page covers the operational, financial, legal and strategic processes that make an effective voluntary organisation.Arts Marketing Association Culture HiveRun by Arts Marketing Association, this is a free resource hub for non-members that brings the collective intelligence of arts, heritage and culture sectors together in one place