Breadcrumb Home Resource Hub Safeguarding - Deep Dive Safeguarding - Deep Dive Copy URL Safeguarding - Deep Dive Copy URL If you’re looking to further develop your approach to safeguarding, here are some more in-depth resources to help you identify the next steps. NSPCC’s Safeguarding and child protection standards for the voluntary and community sectorAudience: Organisations working with children.This resource is designed to help non-statutory organisations in the UK to strengthen their safeguarding and child protection arrangements for children and young people aged 0–18. NSPCC’s Safeguarding adults and children podcastAudience: Organisations working with children and adults.This podcast looks at how voluntary and community organisations can safeguard mixed-age group delivery.UK Youth’s Safe Spaces Framework Audience: Organisations working with young people.This framework sets out what it considers to be the minimum levels of safe organisational practice in a number of different areas, including Health and Safety, Safeguarding, and Leadership and Governance.NCVO’s Safeguarding mini-siteAudience: Charities, community and voluntary organisations working with children and/or adults.This includes resources on steps to a safer organisation, training and support for safeguarding, and specialist safeguarding guides for different job roles in community organisations.Ann Craft Trust’s Safeguarding resource hubAudience: Organisations working with adults.This resource provides a range of guidance around safeguarding adults. Ann Craft Trust’s Safeguarding Matters podcast seriesAudience: Organisations working with young people and adults.These podcasts cover recent topics and issues in adult and young people safeguarding. Youth Music’s safeguarding guidance and considerations as organisations move learning onlineAudience: Organisations working with children and young people. In April 2020, Youth Music ran a virtual network meeting on safeguarding online learning. This blog summarises the key learning from the session and signposts to further resources. National Youth Agency’s Safeguarding and Risk Management HubAudience: Organisations working with young people.A wide range of guidance, resources, templates and checklists around safeguarding young people. They offer four free online training courses, which you can work through in your own time:Basic introduction to safeguarding for volunteer youth workersSafer environments and activitiesAn introduction to risk assessment for the youth sectorSetting up your safeguarding cultureThere is a “Contact the Safeguarding and Risk Management Hub” enquiry form, for advice on non-urgent safeguarding questions.