Breadcrumb Home Resource Hub Names of Instruments Copy URL Names of instruments Musical Development Matters in the Early YearsHere is a list of instruments commonly found in early childhood settings. Many people use these in their music-making sessions but don't actually know what they're called, so this guide might come in useful! Copy URL Names of instruments Musical Development Matters in the Early YearsHere is a list of instruments commonly found in early childhood settings. Many people use these in their music-making sessions but don't actually know what they're called, so this guide might come in useful! Agogo Binzasara Binzasara is also referred to as a clickit or clatterpillar. Boomwhackers Cabasa Castanets Caxixi Claves Cymbals Djembe Egg shakers Frog-shaped guiro Glockenspiel A Glockenspiel consists of metal bars that are mounted onto a frame. When each bar is mounted individually onto its own frame they are called chime bars. Guiro Indian bells Maracas Octochime Octochime is also referred to as a swirl-xylo. Rainmakers Shekere Tambourine Xylophone A Xylophone consists of wooden bars that are mounted onto a frame. When each bar is mounted individually onto its own frame they are called xylo-bars.