Breadcrumb Home News Real Voice Year Two Real Voice Year Two Posted: 04/01/2023 Copy URL Real Voice Year Two Posted: 04/01/2023 Copy URL Real Voice is an inclusive music programme across four groups in Northumberland in Ashington and Cramlington. The project aims to support and develop a diverse range of young people facing challenging circumstances, especially those who are at risk of offending or affected by offending behaviour, and YP with disabilities. Over the last 16 months, young people have worked to develop their musical skills and knowledge. They have taken part in various workshops with artists including songwriting, rap, film production, instrumental, drumming and music for animation. Outcomes have included a more focused group of young people with a dedication to music-making. Participants who previously showed behavioural issues in sessions are now young leaders and through open-access sessions, young people are more open to expressing their thoughts within music-making sessions. There has also been plenty of emphasis on choice and musical decision-making processes. Confidence has improved vastly with young people who previously would not engage in group settings, singing lead on group tracks and have developed team working skills. The second year of our project focuses on the development of music and scripted work with themes chosen by young people. Over the last few weeks, the groups have taken part in scriptwriting workshops with director and scriptwriter Alison Stanley. Accompanying tracks and original music will then be developed with composers/musicians over the next few months. The year will culminate in a large-scale creative event, produced and performed by young people and held in a professional theatre. “It’s really good and positive, especially for the kids. It’s a new opportunity they normally wouldn’t have.” Maria Youth worker “I just wanted to say thank you. I know Jessica doesn't show her feelings very well. Jess is absolutely buzzing. She totally loved it.” (Parent) “I enjoyed trying new things and meeting new people.” Participant