Breadcrumb Home News NTDF Music For Young People Taster Ac... NTDF Music for Young People Taster Activities Posted: 01/11/2022 Copy URL NTDF Music for Young People Taster Activities Posted: 01/11/2022 Copy URL Recently, our young people who attend Youth Club engaged in two new taster activities: a song writing task during which they experimented with the basic building blocks of a song, such as genre, style, tempo, lyrical theme, etc. The unstructured and relaxed lyrics created by the young people reflected themes of friendship and joy. After the lyrics were created and participants decided how they wanted their musical creations to sound (happy/sad, fast/slow, loud/soft, etc.), these were performed, much to the young people's enjoyment! Additionally, a Song Club activity: like a book club, but without any need for preparation. The young people put on their listening ears and enjoyed the pop hit 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran while reading the lyrics, and making note of what memories, experiences and feelings the song brought to mind. Afterwards, participants took turns sharing about their listening experience. At NTDF we believe in the importance of everyone's 'voice' being heard - self-expression both musical and otherwise is key. Everone's contribution is seen and valued, and we hope to encourage our members to develop many diverse musical ways to self-express and connect with themselves and others, including song writing, learning to play an instrument or sing, perform, dance, and everything in between!