Breadcrumb Home News NTDF Build-an-instrument Preparation NTDF Build-an-instrument preparation Posted: 05/11/2022 Copy URL NTDF Build-an-instrument preparation Posted: 05/11/2022 Copy URL Here at NTDF, we have been exploring a variety of musical activities for our young people to engage in: from learning how to play a musical instrument and starting a rock band (coming soon!), to preparing to create our own musical instruments. The example pictured is of a set of pan pipes - we are looking forward to sharing the young people's creations. We hope to create pan pipes using paper straws and recyclable washi tape which our young people can decorate however they like best, using beads, paint, ribbon, etc. Additionally, we will be making shakers/maracas, rain sticks, drums and maybe even tiny banjos made out of metal jar tops, elastic bands and lollipop sticks!