Breadcrumb Home News Get Real Music Programme Within Commu... Get Real Music Programme Within Community Settings | Northampton Music Youth Clubs Posted: 16/12/2022 Copy URL Get Real Music Programme Within Community Settings | Northampton Music Youth Clubs Posted: 16/12/2022 Copy URL At Free2Talk we’ve been incorporating music sessions within our existing youth groups, allowing young people of all ages to engage with music and music based activities across Northampton especially is some of the most underprivileged areas including blackthorn and Kingsheath, primarily targeting young people who are at risk of exploitation. One of the activities we run is the DJ Workshop where we showcase entry level DJ equipment and help the young people to become familiar with the equipment and how it works. Allowing them to hone their skills as the next generation of DJ’s and potential music based youth workers in a fun and care free environment and importantly, on a level playing field for all. For us the music project is an important way of communicating to young people through music and allowing them to express themselves, sometimes in the most simple of ways such as creating a playlist, listening to music or singing. All of which regularly takes place within our groups alongside some of the more advanced activities allowing everyone to engage no matter how confident they are with music. Seeing the change in behaviour and the increased engagement with some young people from something as simple as having the podcast equipment setup is unreal. Just having those microphones setup creating the illusion that the very same room is now a professional environment really seems to bring out the leadership and social skills in some of the young people. Particularly in a few who happily take a large role in setting up, choosing topics, keeping everyone on track without even being asked. Showcasing not only leadership, social skills, professionalism and drive but most importantly, passion. Andy Tiller, Free2Talk CIC