Breadcrumb Home Minimum Safeguarding Standards Minimum Safeguarding Standards Copy URL Minimum Safeguarding Standards Copy URL If you apply for Youth Music funding, you’ll need to evidence you meet our minimum safeguarding standards:A safeguarding policy in the name of your organisation, updated in the last 3 years.A person with overall responsibility for safeguarding (your designated safeguarding lead).Their name and contact details are in your safeguarding policy.Safer recruitment practices including DBS checks for those working with children and young people (at the highest level permitted, re-checked at least every three years).A procedure for reporting concerns, incidents or allegations (including those against staff/volunteers) that says who to inform and how to contact them.Regular safeguarding training for staff and volunteers who work with children and young people (this can include in-house sessions) and induction into safeguarding for new starters.Our article on the safeguarding minimum standards outlines some common ways the standards aren't met and provides advice on how to meet them. If you don’t yet meet the minimum standards, you should develop your policy and practices to meet these requirements before applying for Youth Music funding. The resources shared in this hub can support you to do this.If you’re unsure whether you meet the minimum standards or have other questions, contact the Grants & Learning team on