When someone we love dies, our fondest memories of them are often musical: their favourite songs, or fun times we’ve shared at gigs and festivals. Music can help us get through the toughest of times.
By creating a Youth Music memorial fund in honour of a loved one, you can help break down barriers and support young people to get started in music. There are several options listed below.
Celebrate a life and change lives.
Much Loved
This site helps you create your own personalised online tribute in memory of someone. Features include photos and personalised slide shows, virtual candles and customised playlists.
A platform where you can fundraise or donate to Youth Music. Setting up a page only takes a few minutes - or if you’d prefer, you can donate directly without a dedicated fundraising page.
Through our website
A simple process which allows you to donate using either a credit/debit card or PayPal. You can mention that you are donating in memory of someone in the ‘Why are you donating to Youth Music?’ dropdown section.

Alice's story
In 2014, teenager Alice Gross was murdered. Alice was a keen musician, who wrote and sang her own songs. Her family created Alice’s Youth Music Memorial Fund in her honour.

Gary's story
When Gary passed away suddenly, his close friend Andy Cooper chose to honour his memory by raising money for Youth Music. Along with Gary’s family and friends, Andy helped to organise a memorial gig.
Get in touch
We'd love to hear about the person you're donating in memory of - what music meant to them and how it played a role in their life.
If you like to tell us more so that we can share information about their legacy and how they've supported Youth Music, send us an email.