Breadcrumb Home Developing a Safeguarding Culture Developing a safeguarding culture Copy URL Developing a safeguarding culture Copy URL Gawain Hewitt's blog on safeguarding as a living practice Audience: Organisations working with children and young people In this blog, Gawain reflects on the journey from safeguarding policies as a tick-box exercise to becoming a living part of everyday practice. Youth Music’s Putting the spotlight on safeguarding articleAudience: Organisations working with children and young people.This article explains why safeguarding is important to Youth Music, what we mean by a safeguarding culture, and safeguarding in the music industries. Maslaha’s Radical safeguarding workbookAudience: Organisations and practitioners working with children and young people.This workbook explores how to develop safeguarding cultures which equitably serve marginalised children and young people. Contextual Safeguarding’s Towards Safety: Levers for safeguarding ‘beyond referrals’ in voluntary and community sector youth organisationsAudience: Charities, community and voluntary organisations working with young people.This is a resource and tool to support voluntary and community organisations create safe environments for young people, particularly in their response to harm that takes place beyond family environments.Contextual Safeguarding’s Young people’s relationship frameworkAudience: Organisations and practitioners working with young people.An infographic which shares what young people have said about what they need from relationships with professionals with responsibility for creating a safe environment. National Youth Agency’s guide to Setting up your safeguarding cultureAudience: Organisations working with young people.A comprehensive guide to creating a safeguarding culture within youth work settings, including sections on young people centred safeguarding, co-production, workforce development and partnership working.The guidance is accompanied by a free online training on Setting up your safeguarding culture. This can be accessed via the link on the National Youth Agency's Safeguarding and Risk Management Hub. Ann Craft Trust’s guide to The power of language in safeguarding practiceAudience: Organisations and practitioners working with children and adults.A short resource on the importance of using language which is clear and promotes equity within safeguarding. NSPCC’s Language Matters BlogAudience: Organisations and practitioners working with children.A series of blogs which explores the impact of different words and phrases used in safeguarding, and how changing the language we use can improve safeguarding practices. Ann Craft Trust’s Safeguarding Matters Podcast. Episode 8: Safeguarding Disabled Young PeopleAudience: Organisations and practitioners working with children and young people.This podcast focuses on the importance of listening to Disabled young people when developing safeguarding policies that impact them. NSPCC’s Safeguarding children who come from Black, Asian and minoritized ethnic communitiesAudience: Organisations and practitioners working with children.This resource is designed for social workers, but includes relevant information for all organisations and practitioners on the relationship between anti-racist practice and safeguarding. NSPCC’s Safeguarding and child protection in the early yearsAudience: Organisations and practitioners working with early years children and families.A resource bank for anyone working with early years children and families. It covers topics including recognising and responding to abuse when working with early years children, supporting parents and resources for parents and carers. The MU and ISM’s Music Sector Code of PracticeAudience: Organisations working in the music industries.This is a set of principles intended to prevent bullying, harassment and discrimination for all those working in the music sectors. The MU Safe Space for Musicians schemeAudience: Individuals and organisations working in the music industries.The Safe Space Scheme provides an opportunity for musicians and other individuals working in the music industries to report sexual abuse and harassment using an online tool.