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Women Make Music: PRS Fund

The aims of Women Make Music are:

  • To break down assumptions and stereotypes within the music industry by encouraging role models for future generations
  • To raise awareness of the gender gap and to ensure that women are aware that support for new music is available to them
  • To increase the profile of women, trans and non binary artists who are creating new music in the UK
  • To encourage women, trans and non binary artists who may otherwise not have applied for PRS Foundation funding to do so

Women Make Music supports the development of outstanding women, trans and non binary songwriters and composers of all genres and backgrounds at different stages of their career. The fund can support projects by women, trans and non binary songwriters, composers, artists, bands and performers who are writing their own music.

Please note that we no longer support organisations through Women Make Music. If you came to this page looking for funding as an organisation to commission a woman, trans or non binary music creator for an upcoming project, please apply to the Open Fund for Organisations, where projects involving a diverse range of music creators will be looked on favourably.

The next deadline is: 12 February 2021

All applications must be submitted by 6pm on the day of the deadline.

When applying, keep in mind that we can only support activity happening after the decision date for your deadline – this will mean your activity must be at least 10 weeks after the deadline.