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Please add our logo to your website and all project-related information, marketing and publicity materials such as videos, records, flyers etc.

If you are not able to acknowledge us visually, via a logo, then the following sentence can be used instead: “This project is backed by Youth Music’s NextGen Fund, which has been made possible thanks to the Players of People’s Postcode Lottery and PPL (Phonographic Performance Limited)".

Youth Music logos in 3 colours

Logo guidelines

We have one logo available in 3 colours (purple, light grey and charcoal).

  • Use the purple version on lighter backgrounds or imagery. If this isn't visible, you can use the charcoal version as an alternative.
  • Use the light grey version on darker colour backgrounds or imagery.

Please do not change the colour of the logos or stretch the logos out of proportion. 

If you require advice about using the Youth Music logo in a different format (e.g. for use in a video) please contact